Yesterday we got our first ever review on our virtual clothes, and I couldn't have been more excited if I'd gotten a book review or an Oscar.
I know a lot of you from this blog haven't tried Second Life, but it's turning out to be such a positive experience for me that I'd like to share some of what I've learned with you.
Second Life is a virtual world. Practically anything you can do in the real world, you can do there with some extras thrown in.
This virtual world allows you to hold a job, start a business, hang out with friends from all over the world, find romance, get married, have a baby, own a horse, raise chickens, go dancing.... *pauses for breath* .. and more.
You can also drive a flying car, ride a dragon, be a dragon (or a fairy, vampire, lycan, cat person or anything else you can think of), visit the Shire, be a Jedi, go into space, watch a sunset... *more breath* ...and even more!
The economy there pays you in Lindens, a virtual currency, that you can exchange for real US currency. I believe there are ways to exchange for other currencies, but I've only worked with US dollars. I have the money sent to my PayPal account. From there I can spend it with my PayPal card anywhere, pull the cash from the atm or have it transferred to my regular bank account.
This makes Second Life an opportune place to moonlight, have a second job and work from home. I have several friends that are musicians and they perform live concerts regularly (and get paid!). I know artists, club owners, furniture designers, other clothes designers, jewelers, land owners...all making extra money. I've stopped thinking of this as a Second Life when I cashed in over $600 recently. Now I think of it as an extension of my first life.
Personally, at the moment I am just there to design clothes and build up our business, House of SilverJinx. While I wait for my visa I'm a bit stuck for activity. If I hadn't had our little design business to focus on, I'd probably have gone loopy by now, and you all would have stopped reading after my tenth blog post on how to make rugs from recycled newspaper.
The experience has turned out to be such a rewarding one, I'm thinking about offering a Second Life tour if enough people are interested. Send me a message privately, or leave a comment here. I can teach you the basics of making your avatar look presentable, creating 101 and show you how to navigate. I can even put together a free package of everything you need from your own flying car to wardrobe and hair.
And please go to The Clothing Asylum to see two of our recent outfits being reviewed. Who knows, I may get to be 'virtually famous' yet!
That's not shabby money for having fun!!!