My (virtual) life is my message. - Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guest Blogger for Angelocracy News & Politics

I have been asked to be a guest blogger on Angelocracy News & Politics. I had never heard of the concept of angelocracy before, and take the term to refer to politics governed by metaphorical angels. Always curious, I did a minor bit of searching around the internet and decided I like the idea.

If there were angels around willing to take office, I'm sure they would be an improvement. If our current politicians would start acting in selflessly angelic ways, even better. Please take a few minutes to visit this interesting idea and come back here to tell me what you think of the concept. Is it meant to be metaphorical or does it mean actual angels?

Regardless, it was an interesting idea to write on, and I thank Angelocracy News for the invitation.

Here is an excerpt and a link to my guest post:

from Angelocracy - An Engaging Concept
"Standing in the middle of our house of cards, can even our world leaders see what's best for the whole construct? We are continually made aware of the butterfly effect. The tsunami in Japan effects the price of salt in America. Connections upon connections, developing into a web of dependence..."

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